Exam preparation courses

The main aim of state certificate examinations in Polish as a foreign language is to determine candidates’ level of proficiency in Polish regardless of institution where they study Polish as a foreign language, and the curriculum, educational materials and methods applied during the learning process. Proficiency in Polish has been defined as the ability to understand contemporary oral and written Polish and the ability to use Polish in speaking and writing.

Detailed conditions and procedures concerning the organization of examinations and issuance of certificates, as well as standard requirements for individual proficiency levels are stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of National Education and Sports of 15 October 2003 (O.J. no. 191 of 12 November 2003) (Rozporządzenia Ministra Edukacji Narodowej i Sportu z dnia 15 października 2003 r. w sprawie Państwowej Komisji Poświadczania Znajomości Języka Polskiego jako Obcego oraz w sprawie egzaminów języka polskiego jako obcego – Dziennik Ustaw RP nr 191 z 12 listopada 2003 r.).

Examination levels

The certificate examinations are staged on three levels of language proficiency:

  • B1 – basic;
  • B2 – general intermediate;
  • C2 – advanced

Levels: A1 – C2 (Elementary to Advanced)

Course lenghtPrice
10 months

250 x 45 min.

2.500 EUR

The minimum required number of students in group: 6
The price does not include alimentation and accommodation fees.